Continuous improvement, customer focus and digitalisation are important components for the MVM Group's operations. With these in mind, the MVM Group implements SAP's ARIBA cloud-based procurement solution. The ARIBA e-procurement system enables more efficient communication with suppliers and the standardisation of procurement processes.

In short, Ariba not only provides transparency, but easier communication with our suppliers as well. In addition to allowing us to build a more stable business partnership with our current partners, it also creates the opportunity to build additional relationships with new suppliers.

The introduction of the Ariba system is currently in progress. For detailed information, see the Information menu.

Start of registrations: starting from May 2024

  • Creating a supplier account, maintaining data independently
  • Contacting procurement

Requesting quotes via the system: summer 2024

  • Participation in procurement procedures relevant for suppliers
  • Receiving invitations to tender, submitting proposals
  • Participating at auctions
  • Obtaining pre-qualification as MVM group supplier

Contracting processes: autumn 2024

  • Providing opinion on contracts
  • Signing of contracts electronically (Docusign)

The above schedule applies to the following companies:

Komm Hull Villamosenergia Kereskedő Kft.  Kapos CNG Kft. MVM Optimum Zrt.
MVM Az Energikus Gyermekekért Alapítvány Mobiliti Volánbusz Kft. MVM Partner Zrt. 
MVM Lumen Kft. MVM Démász Áramhálózati Kft. MVM Tisza Erőmű Kft.
MVM Otthon Plusz Zrt.  MVM Égáz-Dégáz Zrt. MVM Ügyfélkapcsolati Kft.
MVM Vízerőmű Kft.  MVM Főgáz Kft. MVM ZG Solar Kft.
MVM ZG Solar Service Kft. MVM Émász Áramhálózati Kft. MVM Zöld Generáció Zrt.
MVM ZG SOLAR STAR Kft. MVM Zrt. MVM Balance Zrt.
Raaba Energy Kft. MVM ERBE Zrt. MVM CEEnergy Zrt.
MVM Mátra Gép Kft. MVM ESCO Urban Kft MVM Services Zrt.
MVM Mátra Mélyépítő Kft. MVM ESCO Zrt.  MVMI Zrt.
MVM Mobiliti Kft. MVM Ingatlankezelő Kft. Római Irodaház Kft.
e-Mobi Nonprofit Kft. MVM MIFŰ Kft. Fermandor Kft.
MVM WATT ETA Kft. MVM NET Zrt.  MVM ERBE Engineering Zrt.
Flogiston Kft. MVM Next Energiakereskedelmi Zrt. MVM Energetikai Ágazati Képzőközpont Nonprofit Kft.

SAP's ARIBA cloud-based procurement solution, supporting, among others:

  • Finding new partners, simple contact between supplier and procurement
  • Optimising our procurement processes,
  • Providing easy web-based access for suppliers to register and manage supplier information,
  • Allows for concluding the strategic sourcing process within a single system, through standardised and re-designed processes,
  • SAP Ariba Sourcing provides a possibility for collaboration between purchaser and suppliers, in a verifiable way,
  • Out of the tenders they are invited to, suppliers may decide for themselves which to participate in and which not,
  • Our procurement processes and contracting can be performed in a completely paperless way
  • The status of tenders may be checked at any time, with immediate information on any changes
  • Enables communication within the system, also ensuring that suppliers are kept uniformly informed.
  • Standard Ariba Network registration allows suppliers to participate in tenders completely free of charge

Please visit the following webpage for more information about the Ariba Network. SAP Business Network for suppliers | Standard account

Registration for MVM Group's Ariba system has started!

Currently, invitation-based registration of Partners with active contracts is in progress.

We will soon open the registration option for all our current and future Partners.