
MVM Group is a predominant player of the Hungarian energy system, assuming an eminent role in implementing the country’s energy strategic targets through its successful and competitive activities. MVM Group’s expanding portfolio covers the entire Hungarian energy sector. Through its supplementary services (e.g. IT, telecommunication, financial and security services) the Group is prepared to provide full-range services for the increasingly complex consumer’s demands in a one-stop way.

The present MVM Group represents the all-time most complex MVM, as it can practically embrace all segments connected to the energy sector: generation, storage, trade, distribution, provision of services, planning and design, construction, transmission, data transfer, incubation.

MVM Group is the 2nd largest company in Hungary, and the 4th in Central Europe. It is a dynamic, innovative fully state-owned company group continually gaining dominance also on regional level, acting also as the largest domestic energy knowledge centre, and through its professional competences offering significant contribution to the security of supply in Hungary and Central-Eastern Europe.

Keys indicators: active presence in 23 countries, more than 140 subsidiaries, HUF 7648 bn revenue, approximately 3% contribution to the Hungarian GDP, more than 18 000 employees, nearly 10 million household and company clients, 70 % share from the country’s power generation, indispensable role in Hungary’s renewable energy generation, nearly 50 % market share in gas supply of industrial consumers and 100% of household sector through universal service providers.

Our goals

The goal of MVM Group is to supply affordable and clean energy to its clients in a sustainable manner meeting the requirements of the 21st century. The company group is striving for a market leading position in renewable energy generation, highly focusing onto the supervision, control and permanent development of the transmission system, securing professional natural gas trade and storage, e-mobility, as well as developing smart city technologies and modern public telecommunication solutions.